We're sending the first batch to the printer tomorrow.

Friends -

Tomorrow we're sending the first batch of stickers to the printer, and your name isn't on the list yet.

Contribute ANY amount to claim your sticker today. Most people are giving around $8 – if you can chip in a bit more, it'd make a big difference for our campaign.

Bernie FDR sticker


This is a brand-new sticker design we released this month, and it's inspired by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Our campaign is carrying out FDR's vision by fighting for an economic bill of rights including health care for all, education for all, and jobs for all.

You can show you're a part of that fight by chipping in to receive this new sticker. We're sending a list to the printer tomorrow, and this offer won't be around much longer.

Make a donation of ANY amount and we'll send you this brand-new sticker.

Thanks for showing you stand with Bernie.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie