G. K. Chesterton once said that Rome wasn’t loved because she was great, but rather she was great because she was loved.
Reader, you are what makes FIRST THINGS great. And your generous support is what enables FIRST THINGS to publish the best cultural, political, and theological commentary you’ll see today.
Would you give FIRST THINGS a little more love by making your special first gift today? Click here to make your tax-deductible gift.
As Director of the FIRST THINGS Editor’s Circle, I have been charged with repaying your generosity with gratitude on behalf of FIRST THINGS, especially to those giving $1,000 or more each year to qualify for membership in the FIRST THINGS Editor’s Circle.
Editor’s Circle members receive a number of exclusive benefits, including:
one complimentary FIRST THINGS subscription
one complimentary gift subscription
invitations to Editor’s Circle receptions and dinners at FIRST THINGS events
quarterly Zoom webinars with FIRST THINGS editors and authors (2024 guests included FIRST THINGS editors R. R. Reno, Julia Yost, and Dan Hitchens, alongside authors Liel Leibovitz and Ryan Anderson.)
It would be my distinct privilege to welcome you personally into the FIRST THINGS Editor’s Circle with a year-end gift of $1,000 or more. Please consider giving today!
In my first few months at the helm of the FIRST THINGS Editor’s Circle, I’ve come to appreciate the great diversity of our readership.
You come from different walks of life, belong to different churches and synagogues, have different tastes in articles, and have been reading FIRST THINGS for varying lengths of time.
FIRST THINGS is not a Catholic, an Orthodox, a Protestant, or a Jewish magazine. In some sense, FIRST THINGS is all of the above, gathering the sharpest writers from each religious tradition into one great magazine.
What they share—what we share—is an appreciation for the first things and a love for FIRST THINGS. Ours is a message that has never been more important.
Will you keep FIRST THINGS great by making a generous year-end gift? There’s just over a week left in the year . . . no time to wait!