Donald Trump is not the cause of the crisis we find ourselves in. He’s a consequence.
The last five decades have been marked by an explosion in wealth inequality and a growing distrust of America’s institutions. Many Americans believe that the system as a whole is rigged against them.
We cannot separate what has happened to the typical American from the dangerous lure of Trumpism.
So how did we get here? And how can we fix it? To answer those questions, we've put together this series put together this series of videos, which debunk the most common and destructive myths about our economy.
All ten parts of our “Debunked!” video series, right here in one place, for you to enjoy!
In the series, I explore how these myths make it impossible for us to have a real discussion about what’s going on with our economy, who is being hurt by the system, and where power actually lies.
The reality is the economic gains of our system go increasingly to the top, while the majority of Americans experience financial insecurity, despite all their hard work.
Trump has exploited the anger and anxiety of many Americans for his own ends, but the anger and anxiety are real. Unless addressed, they will continue to be exploited by other authoritarians long after Trump is gone.The first step to fixing the economy is understanding the real problem -- big money corrupting our politics and rigging the system against working people.
So please, check it out over the holidays and share this year-end compilation video to help spread the truth.
From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for sticking with us through this tumultuous year. And thank you, for being part of the solution.
Wishing happy holidays to you and yours!
Robert Reich
Inequality Media Civic Action