Will you sign the card now to wish President Joe Biden a happy holiday?
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Folks: The holiday season is here, so we're taking the time to show gratitude for our president, who has done so much for our country.
After serving our country for decades, including 12 years in the White House, Joe Biden has had a positive impact on the life of every American.
Under his leadership over the past four years, we’ve passed historic legislation to rebuild our nation’s infrastructure, tackle climate change, lower the cost of prescription drugs and keep our communities safe from gun violence.
Nobody can question that President Biden stepped up to make a difference when his country needed him – and now it’s our turn to step up and show him how grateful we are for everything he’s done.
That’s why we're preparing a holiday card with 100,000 signatures from grateful Democrats like you to show President Biden our appreciation. Your signature is not on file yet, so please, friend, before midnight:
Sign the holiday card for President Joe Biden now!
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