Read now to learn more!

👋 Welcome to the December edition of The Sister District Dispatch — our last newsletter of 2024! Every month, we’ll catch you up on the latest election news and keep you informed on our collective fight to win permanent progressive power in the states. 


We want to express our deepest gratitude to this community this holiday season. Thank you for being part of our people-powered movement to build progressive power in the states. We wish you a joyful — and restful — holiday break. 


🎉  Celebrating Our 2024 Victories

We’ll be publishing our comprehensive 2024 Impact Report next month, but here’s a sneak peek at some of our accomplishments this year: 

  • In state races across the country, 31 of our endorsed candidates won
  • Our powerful community called 2 million voters in swing states
  • Volunteers traveled near and far to knock on 9,000+ doors in battleground states
  • Through grassroots support, we raised $1.4+ million for 53 candidates across the country
  • With your help, incredible victories were possible in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania! 

In case we haven’t mentioned it enough: Sister District is not Sister District without YOU — thank you! 


🚨 Special Election Alert

A special election is happening in Virginia on January 7, and we’re thrilled to endorse both Kannan Srinivasan (SD-32) and JJ Singh (HD-26)! 

These races will determine the balance of power in the VA state legislature — and it’s the first chance for our movement to mobilize since the November election and a pivotal opportunity to protect the power we’ve fought so hard to achieve in the Commonwealth! 


If you’re ready to keep VA blue, please pitch in to support Kannan and JJ here. Or click here to learn more about each of these important champions!


⚡  National Virtual Mobilization Call Recap

This month, Sister District hosted a national virtual mobilization event to kick off the fight for our future. 

Hundreds of returning and new activists joined our Zoom call as we laid out our strategy to continue building a powerful line of defense in state legislatures across the country to protect our rights and freedoms ahead of Donald Trump’s second term.

Confronting Donald Trump and his extreme agenda will take a group effort. We couldn’t be happier to have like-minded advocates joining us in this fight and reminding us all that hope is a powerful form of resistance. 

We’re looking to deliver real change in states across the country and doing so requires us to harness our collective grassroots power. Whether you’re a longtime activist or just getting started as a volunteer, your voice and commitment matters. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the work we do and making a direct impact on that work, please fill out our volunteer interest form today!


📰  Featured Readings 

📱 Post of the Month


That’s it until next year! Sister District members like you are essential to our movement — and there’s no doubt with your help, we’ll continue to achieve historic and momentous victories for progressives in states everywhere. 


Thank you for reading, and Happy Holidays!


- Sister District


Paid for by Sister District Project. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Donations to Sister District Project, a 527 organization, are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.