We will not back down from trans-BLM violence
A Message from the Colorado Republican Party
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Durango Schools: “BLM and trans flags are protected government speech”
In Durango, weak school Board members have indicated the 9R School Board will pass a resolution to specifically sanction trans and BLM flags ([link removed]) as “protected government speech.” Pictured above, sad and confused children who need guidance are instead being encouraged to trans out at school, become social outcasts, and ruin their young lives to fulfill adult sexual fetishes and push a political agenda.
The Board has ignorantly ignored the fact that the Constitution does not allow it to violate the Equal Protection Clause by promoting an anti-religious fetish. The Constitution also does not allow the government to protect and encourage violence, the operating principle of BLM.
Colorado GOP Vice Chair Hope Scheppelman and I have sent Durango’s school board strongly worded letters and will pursue a federal lawsuit if this resolution is to pass. Those letters can be viewed below. You can email the Board at comments to
[email protected] ([link removed])
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The Media Covers for Activist School Boards like Durango 9-R
As usual, the media is lying to you about what’s really going on in Durango. Leftist reporter Kyle Clark says that similar cases have already been decided in Denver federal courts, so he then asserts that Durango Schools are permitted to sanction any speech they want under the guise of "government speech." While there are similar cases, there is no precedent set for an actual policy that sanctions violence and mental illness as government speech.
In Denver, pro-grooming district court judge Regina M. Rodriguez ruled that teachers could display pride ([link removed]) (not capitalized) flags as protected speech, but a plaintiff was not entitled to display his "straight pride" flag at school. Kyle Clark's inadequate understanding of laws led him to believe that this ruling is a carte blanche pass for schools to say whatever mentally ill nonsense they please and call it “sanctioned.”
The September 26th Denver ruling does NOT protect Durango Schools from their outright assault on the Equal Protection Clause or the entire First Amendment. In the case of DPS, the pride flags in question were allowed, not required, by the school. Therefore, there is some question as to whether this is sanctioned speech versus employees exercising their right to free speech. Importantly, the pride flag is markedly different from the progress pride flag, which features a giant transgender triangle at the top of the flag. Because transgenderism is not backed by science and is instead a rampant mental illness, and because this mental illness goes against Christianity and many other religions, the government cannot sanction it.
The government also cannot sanction the racism and racist violence perpetrated by BLM, because doing so makes most students feel unsafe. The government does not possess the right to make young children feel threatened by displaying anti-white, anti-police, or anti-religious rhetoric. Please remind Durango Schools they are overstepping into non-legal territory:
[email protected] ([link removed])
If you can help, we need people to organize data, speak a the next school board meeting, and most importantly we need parents of Durango 9-R kids to come forward to sue.
“Trans” Kids are Radicalized to Commit Political Violence
Let’s not gloss over the fact that “trans” kids perpetrate a disturbing number of school shootings.
Statistically, with at least 6 shooters in the last 2 years being “trans,” at .03% of the population, we should have had 16,667 school shootings, 4000+ of which ‘should’ have been straight white men. But sadly, the math doesn’t add up. “Trans” kids are by way of their mental illness and radicalization, much more violent than their normal peers. This is why President Trump has promised that the trans agenda will be demolished during his Presidency. We cannot allow radical activists to continue assaulting our free speech and grooming kids in our schools; it is way past time to stand-up to the trans derangement.
“Trans” kids are nothing more than kids with issues who are being used to fulfill an agenda that silences the majority. It’s just that simple, and statistics show that these “trans” kids are being radicalized and used to kill people.
Does Durango 9R School Board wants its students to be radicalized and violent? Since the district also supports violence towards police and destruction of cities by way of BLM, it is worth asking if Durango 9R Schools is encouraging more trans violence as well.
We Will Come After You Personally
A child whose father is a police officer in Denver and attends our church, told me recently that BLM flags make her whole body shake. When her father would leave for Denver each night for work, this young child worried that her father may never come home. She would go to bed while violent terrorists ravaged the streets throughout 2020 and 2021, convinced that one of the angry men in masks would kill her father. The government, IE Durango 9R Schools, does not have the right to make this child feel unsafe.
The violent anti-police organization BLM must be condemned by our party and by public schools. BLM injured over 1200 people, including at least seven police officers, and burned down entire cities. BLM is a terrorist organization, and the government cannot sanction violence and terrorism.
We are prepared to professionally and personally sue Durango 9R Schools for making kids like the one I mentioned, live in fear. We will sue these activists dressed as board members for making the Christian boy who does not believe in the trans dogma, or the young woman who does not want a boy with male genitalia in her locker room, to feel unsafe. The Colorado GOP will stand with President Trump. There are only two genders. If Durango Schools want a fight, we are ready. Schools will NOT sanction mental illness, the outright fetishizing of mentally ill kids, and terrorism. We have had enough. If this resolution passes, we will engage our legal team and the Trump administration to professionally and personally make these pro-grooming board members pay for their sick actions.
Durango 9R, hear us loud and clear:
Stop using kids who are struggling and need help, to satisfy your sexual fetishes. Stop promoting racism, to look equitable. 2021 is over, Kamala Harris lost, the trans lie lost, and no one buys this fake racism anymore. It is time to get serious about your jobs. We will sue the district, and each school board member personally, as well as any staff member, teacher, or superintendent who supports and uses this policy to hurt children.
[email protected] ([link removed])
We Must Make These Board Members Pay for Hurting Children
We must not allow those who seek to sexualize and indoctrinate children, to gaslight Colorado into believing that “trans rights” are about equality. Trans is about grooming kids and silencing the majority. The left has gone too far, as evidenced by the 2024 elections.
Durango School Board meets again on January 14th, just six days before Trump takes office. We have to continue reminding them that their mental illness is a fetish that they will not spread to our children or continue to use for political gain. The Trump administration will effectively deal with school boards like Durango, who refuse to stand for kids and instead continue to promote a destructive, racist, grooming agenda. The days of indoctrinating children in public schools are coming to an end. Please write the board emails each day, and continue letting them know what is in store for them if they do not stand for children this time. Email: comments to
[email protected] ([link removed])
Merry Christmas, and thank you for all you do.
Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. We hope everyone has a safe and warm holiday season.
Darcy Schoening
Director of Special Initiatives-
Colorado GOP
Hope Scheppelman, Vice Chair
Colorado GOP
[email protected]
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