Donate right now, and you’ll be automatically pulled out of our email fundraising list for the rest of the campaign.
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Yesterday, we sent an email offering our supporters a pretty cool deal: If you donate right now, we'll automatically stop sending you fundraising emails for the remainder of our End-of-Year Campaign.
Based on the response yesterday, many seemed to really like this common-sense idea.
If you missed it, this is your chance: Donate to our End-of-Year Campaign and automatically stop receiving fundraising emails for the remainder of the campaign. ([link removed])
Listen, we know that fundraising emails can be annoying. But these periodic fundraising drives pay for everything we do at Common Dreams. We don’t take a dime of corporate advertising, and our website will never have a paywall.
If our End-of-Year Campaign fails, we fail. Please join us by offering your support. Thank you for everything you do to make the world a better place.
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Wishing you a happy holiday season,
Kimberly Monaghan
Board Chair
on behalf of the entire Common Dreams team
P.S. Common Dreams relies on sustaining donors to make long-term plans to improve our reporting. Will you become a monthly donor today? ([link removed])
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Call 207.775.0488 to donate by phone or mail a check to:
Common Dreams . PO Box 443 . Portland, ME 04112-0443 . USA
Common Dreams is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
Your contribution is tax-deductible.
EIN: 20-3368194
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