The danger of minding people's business is twofold. First, there is the danger that a man may leave his business unattended to; and, second, there is the danger of an impertinent interference with another's affairs. The "friends of humanity" almost always run into both dangers.
December 19, 2024 Why Did Trump Buckle with CIA Appointment?
Before he even takes office, President-elect Trump has buckled to the CIA and its supporters in the U.S. Senate. Trump intended to appoint Amaryllis Fox Kennedy, who is married to the son of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., as deputy director of the CIA. Given opposition among CIA supporters in the U.S. Senate, however, ...
How Not to Cut Federal Spending by Laurence M. Vance
Former congressman, governor of Indiana, and vice president Michael “Mike” Pence is struggling to regain relevancy. He is probably the most prominent Republican in ...
The Draft versus Freedom by Jacob G. Hornberger and Richard M. Ebeling
In this week's Libertarian Angle, Jacob and Richard discuss how conscription is antithetical to the principles of ...
The King James Test for American Democracy
by James Bovard
On December 1, President Joe Biden announced that he was pardoning his son Hunter for all the crimes he committed from January 1, 2014 ...