Meet Wisam, a 9-year-old who was forced out of school and her hometown due to violent conflict in Sudan. Leaving all her friends and belongings behind, she had dreams of returning to class.
Thanks to your support of UNICEF, Wisam’s dream became a reality.
UNICEF provides displaced students like Wisam with new school bags and supplies to help them get back to learning. Full of confidence, Wisam takes notes in her notebook at her new school in Port Sudan, frequently raising her hand to answer the teacher’s questions. After class, she lingers at her desk with a smile on her face, drawing colorful flowers in her notebook.
Despite conflict and displacement, the generosity and commitment from supporters like you made Wisam’s return to class possible. Learn more about Wisam’s excitement to be back in school and how you’re providing hope for young learners like her >> |
Currently, violent conflict in Sudan has created the world's largest child displacement crisis — leaving more than 17 million school-aged children out of school.
It’s why fundraising this time of year is so critical. Support from people like you allows displaced children like Wisam the opportunity to get back to learning and thrive for a better future.
As your inbox floods with appeals this holiday season, we hope that you consider UNICEF in your year-end giving to help uphold every child’s right to an education. In the meantime, read more about Wisam’s return to school and the impact you help create for children like her >>
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