ARC in Three Stories…

Whether you’re entering our office for the first time straight from incarceration, or you’re the front-desk intern meeting that person at the door, or the policy fellow working on laws to help the next person come home, one thing is for sure… YOU are ARC.

Here are three stories that show you who we are.

Meet Clarissa

Clarissa became an ARC Member and discovered her passion for photography. As with most things at ARC, this passion led to opportunity. Now she interns in our Communications Department, creating content to support our work (like this email!).

Meet Andrew

Andrew spent years in juvenile hall before joining ARC and discovering a passion for local politics. Now, as an ARC policy fellow, he uses his direct experience to fix the broken system that once defined him.

Meet Kiki

Kiki spent years in prison before finding ARC and becoming as a front-desk intern. Now, she spends each day helping others navigate the reentry process.

Clarissa, Andrew, and Kiki are just a few of the thousands of men and women who make up ARC. With your support, we will provide hope and opportunities to many thousands more in 2025.

If you give before the end of the year, your donation will be matched up to $35,000 through our partnership with the Change Reaction! Please consider supporting our work today by clicking the button below!

Sam Lewis

Chief Executive Officer
Anti-Recidivism Coalition

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

- Mahatma Gandhi