woman drinking tea

Parenting requires a lot of things – patience, kindness, consistency and most of all, energy. But the chronic stress that many of us are experiencing from the coronavirus pandemic can drain that energy and lead to fatigue. Now, more than ever, it’s important to take care of yourself! So take a break and try one of these ways to calm yourself and be in the moment.

family sleeping in bed together

Help! My child wants to co-sleep because of the pandemic

Don't worry! With all of the COVID-related changes and free-floating anxiety we are all experiencing, a short-term course of co-sleeping in toddlers is not a problem, and getting back to prior sleeping arrangements can be implemented in a few days.
Pandemic Parenting Mental Health

Pandemic Parenting: COVID-19 and your child's mental health

Is my child depressed? How can I help my kids deal with the pain of missing milestones? How can I engage my kids in e-learning? NBC's Barbara Harrison gets to the bottom of these questions and more in this week's Pandemic Parenting video.

Introducing Pandemic Parenting on Facebook Live!
Watch Barbara Harrison interview a Children’s National expert on all things COVID-19 every Wednesday on Facebook.

Copyright © 2020 Children's National Hospital. All rights reserved.

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