In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.
The dust has barely settled on the Scottish Government's recently published draft hate crime bill, and there is already a growing swell of dissenting voices, say Dr Kath Murray, Lucy Hunter Blackburn and Lisa Mackenzie. We're quoted.
Three teenage girls thought to be at risk of female genital mutilation after their names appeared in an internet article about a foreign 'initiation' ceremony can now travel the world if they want to, a judge has said. However she said the girls remain at risk if they return to their homeland and said FGM orders need to stay in place.
A circuit court judge has been told a 55-year-old Nigerian who was masquerading as a doctor had carried out a crude medical circumcision on a ten-month-old infant at the child's home in Co Longford.
With young people spending more time online and extreme groups using the pandemic to sow division, teachers must be better supported to handle a rise in extremism, say Ian Jamison and Cleo Blackman.
The plaintiff in the landmark supreme court case revealed she was paid to change her mind about abortion. Have anti-abortion activists no shame, asks Arwa Mahdawi.
Emma Park speaks to Gita Sahgal, a human rights activist and honorary associate of the NSS, about secularism in India, and the threats it is facing from the Hindutva movement endorsed by Modi's government.
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