John, this is flying under too many people’s radar: We have just 100 days until the Wisconsin State Supreme Court election. With retiring Justice Ann Walsh Bradley’s seat open, this race is crucial to protecting the court’s pro-democracy majority that recently struck down the state’s egregiously gerrymandered legislative maps. I cannot stress enough the power of donating today rather than waiting until the final days before the election. The amount this team can raise now will help determine our plans leading up to critical 2025 elections. I'm asking you directly:
The NDRC — with the support of dedicated supporters like you — has a proven track record in the Badger State. Last year, our grassroots movement helped deliver a resounding win for democracy in Wisconsin’s state supreme court race. Voters elected Judge Janet Protasiewicz by a double-digit margin, making it clear that they’ve had enough of conservatives’ anti-democratic power grabs. Knowing their days of running rampant with partisan gerrymandered maps were over, the state legislature passed Democratic Governor Tony Evers’ fair maps ahead of this year’s elections. Those fair maps helped elect Democracy Defenders across the state, flipping 14 seats in the state assembly and state senate — ending the GOP’s unearned supermajority that had been in place for most of the last 13 years. We're making incredible progress in Wisconsin — but in 2025, it’s all at stake again with another state supreme court race. If we lose this seat, the conservatives will take back the Supreme Court majority and roll back our progress on fair maps and a whole host of other issues. — Claire Claire Low
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