Dear John, No matter how you celebrate, I want to wish you a joyous and safe holiday on behalf of myself and everyone here at Earthworks. I think about the photo above a lot this time of year. To me it's about community working together. It's about kids and families wanting a fair shot at a healthy life, at growing up, going to school, breathing clean air and drinking safe water. We’ve learned a lot about this community and how to stand with them and help them fight against Formosa - a global chemical giant. I also think of everyone involved in Earthworks this time of year. We really are a community. You and folks like you take time to write to elected officials, show up at local meetings, donate to our work to stop corporations like Formosa who put profits ahead of people. We’re all in this together. And we have our work cut out for us next year. But I believe in you. I believe in our team. I believe in that girl in Louisiana holding a sign that tells Formosa to just stop - and let her thrive and be healthy. If you are able to support Earthworks with a donation before the end of the year, thank you. Most of all, thank you for all you do for Earthworks, your community, and the natural world that sustains us. In solidarity, Jennifer Krill Executive Director