A gold mining boom is threatening to destroy one of the oldest and largest remaining stretches of intact Amazon rainforest, threatening the home and livelihoods of the Wapichan peoples of Guyana.
Together with Rainforest Trust, we can save 2.2 million acres of it – helping these forest guardians secure their land titles and create protected areas to stop new mining, logging, and extractive projects for good.
This is truly one of the last wild places on Earth, and one of our greatest assets for sustaining biodiversity and combating climate change. With all of us coming together, we can keep it permanently secure for nature – and carry on campaigning to protect vital forests everywhere.
Can you help save this forest home?
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The Wapichan peoples have been the guardians of these forests for generations. For decades they have worked with local organisations in Guyana to demarcate their territories, develop maps, and collect biodiversity data for this area, even continuously identifying new species!
But an increased demand for gold worldwide is driving the relentless spread of new gold mines. And without legal protection, these forests where Indigenous communities like the Wapichan peoples have always lived are most at risk of exploitation.
Now we can help them secure legal recognition for their ancestral lands and protect 2.2 million acres of this remote wilderness forever. Then continue campaigning to protect the natural world everywhere from corporate exploitation.
Saving this much pristine rainforest would be a game changer for the Amazon and the Indigenous communities who live there – can you help?
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Your donation will help power Ekō and our campaigns worldwide fighting for people and the planet.