Healthcare is a right, not a privilege. In the world’s wealthiest country, there is no reason people should be denied care or face financial ruin just for getting sick or injured.
Now critics are lambasting me with the rhetorical question: “What choice do we have?”
It’s simple: We can follow the example set by the rest of the world and establish a universal healthcare system. Although the United States spends more on healthcare per person than any other high-income country, 85 million Americans are left uninsured, underinsured, or struggling to meet rising treatment costs. Meanwhile, private healthcare companies rake in billions in profit every year.
To put it another way, the U.S. spends 17.8 percent of our GDP on healthcare, yet 1 in 12 Americans lack health insurance.
I won’t let private health insurance companies profit from people’s suffering, and I refuse to accept their PAC and lobbying money to maintain an inhumane status quo. But I need to know that you have my back. Will you rush a contribution to my campaign today?