
Never in our history has access to healthcare been more important. But not even a global pandemic has stopped Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress from relentlessly attacking the Affordable Care Act – and jeopardizing the lives of millions of Americans in the process.

Their lawsuit in the Supreme Court to destroy this critical, lifesaving program is nothing short of heartless – and one more way that Trump has responded to this unprecedented public health crisis with zero regard for the health and safety of the American people.

If you believe that a president should be bolstering everyone's right to affordable healthcare in these especially distressing times, I need you to join me in taking a stand against these attempts to sabotage the Affordable Care Act. Click here now to demand Congress take immediate action to protect access to quality, affordable healthcare for every American.

The American people deserve better than a president who cruelly attempts to rip away affordable healthcare from millions in the middle of a pandemic. Who plays politics with their safety – and their lives. Who cares more about his own selfish agenda than their well-being.

There's simply no reason that access to healthcare should be a privilege for the wealthy – not ever, and especially not now. It's never been more urgent to have your voice alongside mine demanding that Congress do whatever it takes to protect and expand coverage under the ACA. Lives are depending on it. Can I count on you to speak out now?

Please, click here now to add your name to the petition demanding that Congress make sure every American has access to the quality, affordable healthcare they need and deserve.

Thank you so much,


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