Support the PA this Christmas
Festive Greetings and Solidarity from the People's Assembly
Thank you to everyone who has supported the People's Assembly over the last year. We really appreciate the incredible efforts that our members, supporters and trade union allies make to keep the anti-austerity agenda high in people's minds, even when there are so many other issues going on around us.
The last year has been another tumultuous one, with global upheaval and indescribable horror abroad, and unrest on our streets and communities at home. And throughout, the drumbeat of austerity, cuts and privatisation has carried on, despite a new government here in the UK.
Spin aside, Labour's first Budget in October will inevitably bring further cuts to public services already decimated by over a decade of Tory decimation. Continuing with the austerity rules set by a destructive Tory government is not a fiscal necessity, but a political choice. The People's Assembly is committed to the fight against cuts, inequality and injustice, no matter who is in government. We are still campaigning against austerity, because we have to.
Please support the People's Assembly and join us as a member this holiday period. You can choose the monthly contribution you make, and there is an option to join for free. But most of all, get active in our network of local groups as we build opposition to the cuts that are damaging our communities. There is an alternative. Let's build a better world. Solidarity
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