I’d like to take a moment to wish you a Happy Holidays! Whether you will be celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or just enjoying the season next week, I hope you and your family enjoy a safe and happy holiday season. I also want to reassure you that I am hard at work to ensure that our federal government remains open and fully funded.
I know the past few months have been tough for many of us. But I hope we can all use this time with our friends and family to reconnect and head into 2025 stronger and more united.
It’s an honor to represent you in Congress, and I’ll keep working hard for you every single day.
I want to know more about how people in our community are learning about the things that matter to them. Please take a moment to fill out this survey. All responses are confidential.
Don't forget — If you need help with a passport renewal, student loans, or getting in touch with a federal agency, our office may be able to assist you. You can call my DC office at (202) 225-4061 or my Chicago office at (773) 267-5926. You can also email me through my website at Quigley.house.gov/contact.