Dear friend,
We are taking on the toughest fights for animals. And as we look back on 2024, it’s a good time to take stock of where we are, what we’ve accomplished, and what is ahead.
And I remind myself that none of this would be possible without you—your advocacy for animals, your financial support, and our shared purpose.
I ask you to renew that commitment before year’s end so that we can charge into battle in 2025 with the resources needed to win urgent battles for animals.
Just a few highlights:
- Modernize Testing. Just this month, the U.S. Senate passed the FDA Modernization Act 3.0 and it appears the U.S. House is poised to follow suit early in the new year. For the past four years, and with special intensity in 2024, we’ve been seeking to turn the page on an animal- testing mandate that had been in place for drug development since the 1930s—a policy that meant that there’s no such thing as a “cruelty-free drug” because every drug goes through a battery of animal tests. Since we passed the FDA Modernization 2.0 two years ago, we’ve seen nearly 1,000 news stories and science publications featuring that law and what profound changes it promises for animal well-being and human health and wellness, too.
- Animal Fighting Is the Pits. We again defeated the cockfighting mafia in federal court and affirmed that the national anti-animal fighting law—which we worked so hard to pass in 2018—applies to every inch of U.S. soil, including the U.S. Territories. Meanwhile, there were a record number of animal fighting busts in the United States, even as we built extraordinary support for a new bill, the FIGHT Act, to give even more tools to law enforcement to end the scourges of domestic and international cockfighting and dogfighting. Never before have we had the law enforcement community so engaged and committed to ending these most malicious forms of animal cruelty.
- Kangaroos Are Not Shoes. The year started with Nike and Puma officially ending any purchasing of kangaroo parts of soccer shoes and it will end in days with New Balance’s kangaroo-free policy taking effect in January 2024—all policies that came about from our relentless advocacy. Meanwhile, for the first time ever, lawmakers in both chambers of Congress introduced legislation to end any imports of kangaroo parts—part of our quest to halt Australia’s domestic massacre of kangaroos and its export of the parts of slain marsupials. And it was in 2024 that we won a pledge from Sokito to go kangaroo- free, further isolating Adidas, ASICS, Mizuno, and the handful of other companies that still make soccer shoes out of wildlife killed en masse in their native habitats in Australia.
- Cage-Free Future: 2024 was the year that California’s Prop 12 took full effect, halting the sale of pork from extreme confinement operations and marking a milestone in our efforts to end the era of gestation-crate confinement in American agriculture. And in Massachusetts, we fended off more challenges in the federal courts to that state’s landmark ballot measure, Question 3, which also halts the sale of eggs and meat that come from the worst kinds of factory farms. All the while, we worked in Congress to fend off the EATS Act, which tries to wipe away the whole bundle of state farm animal welfare laws. And with a new statewide cage-free-egg-sales policy going into effect in Michigan in January 2025, we are protecting the expansion of those policies in the states through our work against EATS. We’re sure we’ll be asked to fend off the EATS Act again in 2025, but with you by our side, we’re confident we’ll prevail.
You know what you get from Animal Wellness Action: a group that takes on the toughest fights for animals and knows how to win.
Will you consider giving $50, $25, or even $10 so we can budget?
Right now, a $25,000 match can double your donation, but the opportunity ends December 31 at midnight.
We know how to get the job done. But we need the resources to win. We are grateful you stand tall when the needs of animals are so very urgent We can’t do this work without you.
For the animals,
Wayne Pacelle
Animal Wellness Action