Taxpayer, the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) is LYING through its teeth:
"USDA never purchased live animals, including cats and dogs, from Chinese meat markets.”
That’s what the USDA’s top spin doctor just told ABC News and the national media.
Taxpayer, government bureaucrats are MORTIFIED for being caught red-handed during their shopping spree in China’s wet markets.
Their response? Lie, destroy our credibility, and kill Delilah’s Law in the crib!
Taxpayer, this is a serious problem.
Congress is setting animal testing budgets right now … and USDA’s white coats might get away with it.
If the USDA’s smear campaign works and Delilah’s Law dies in the Senate, taxpayer-funded animal experimenters across the entire federal government will be free to spend your money in China’s wet markets… for years to come!
That’s why this email is so urgent. Will you rush your signature in support of our brand new petition to hold the USDA accountable for its massive spending spree?
Taxpayer, there’s no doubt about it… USDA bureaucrats spent your money to:
- Round up 425 puppies (less than a year old!) at a Chinese slaughterhouse
- Transport their small hearts back to US labs…in their personal carry-on luggage!
- Force-feed cat and dog meat to other lab cats in cruel cannibalism experiments at USDA’s notorious Kitten Slaughterhouse.
And we have the receipts to prove it!

“White Coat Waste Project, through a Freedom of Information Act, obtained documents showing how experimenters at the USDA… were flying over to China buying animals, cat and puppy parts, at wet markets and then bringing them back over here to force-feed kittens in cannibalism experiments at the USDA”
Taxpayer, we must gather at least 350,000 taxpayer signatures to hold the USDA accountable or Congress won’t take Delilah’s Law seriously…
…and Uncle Sam may continue spending your money to buy and kill kittens and puppies from China’s dangerous wet markets.
Don’t wait… please rush your signature right now.

Christine McPherson
Development Manager
White Coat Waste Project