The ridiculousness has

We’re all for freedom of speech,
but this is just plain insanity. Apparently late night tweets from the
weirdest guy on the planet are running the government now? They’re
determining whether or not chunks of the middle class will continue
taking home paychecks for the foreseeable future? They’re quite
literally pulling the strings of our President Elect?
We know Trump is a pansy. We know
Elon has been manipulating him from minute one. We know who’s really
in charge here.
It’s no secret that Donald Trump
was bought. And until he can’t stand Elon Musk anymore (which could
happen sooner rather than later), this is what we have to deal with.
And while we don’t expect today’s GOP to grow a spine and hold these
bozos accountable, we’ll always be here making sure voters know the
We’re not going anywhere. If MAGA
shuts down the government because of an Elon rant, we’re not going to
forget it. We will remind voters every day who is responsible for
their missing programs, benefits, and paychecks. Exposing Trump and
his cronies for who they really are has always been our MO, and we’re
not changing a thing.
us gear up for the next four years >>
-The Lincoln Project