
While the Trump administration fails to chart a clear path through the pandemic, it is people at the heart of this crisis who are suffering the most.

Frontline health care workers, essential employees, people who are sick or are caring for a loved one feel the greatest impact by the Trump administration's slow and insufficient response.

We cannot allow their stories to get lost as we find our way out of this. In fact, we need to lift up these voices.

You are an essential part of making these voices heard. Be a part of the community sharing the stories from people hardest hit by the coronavirus.

Over the coming weeks, we’ll deliver to your inbox stories to post, share, or retweet -- some from our PeopleGreater community or from across the movement. All you have to do is click into a story that moves you and share it with your friends and family on Facebook or Twitter.

Here are five stories from people on the frontlines of this crisis that need to be shared:

→ “It hurts to think of all of the lives lost because we weren’t prepared,” says Heather, a nurse from New Hampshire who shares about a young patient who died of coronavirus at her hospital.

A woman with a short haircut wearing a red shirt looks into the camera as she shares her story.

→ “I don’t qualify for a stimulus check so I get nothing,” says Kenni, a small business owner in DC. “I’m trying not to be bitter but I don’t understand why I’m expected to have three to six months of money saved and these big companies -- you’re going to bail them out, but you can’t help me out?”

A woman with long, curly, black hair looks up as she shares her story.

→ “It’s so clear to see the failure in this particular administration in speaking out against xenophobic remarks,” says Dr. Anna Yap, a resident emergency medicine physician & 1st generation immigrant. “By choosing to cross out ‘coronavirus’ and putting the ‘Chinese virus’ instead is doing the opposite of what they should be doing at this time.”

A woman with round glasses looks into the camera as she shares her story.

→ "This wasn't some scare tactic that anybody was using. It wasn't some made-up thing. This is a real virus that you've got to take serious[ly],” said Brian Hitchens, a gig worker and coronavirus patient.

A man with a breathing tube under his nose and wearing a gown looks into the camera.

→ “It’s just really sad that the solution … is take it into our own hands,” says Jenny Bloodworth, a college student in Texas. When her mother’s ICU hospital instituted a one mask per day policy to its frontline employees, Jenny took to the task of making masks and a hazmat suit for her mom.

A young woman and her mother look into the camera. There is a yellow frame around their picture.

Thank you for being a part of helping to raise up these voices and stories.

In solidarity,
Emi and the PeopleGreater Team

P.S. Interested to share a story of your own? Send an email to [email protected].