December 20, 2024
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Eagle Forum Asks Lawmakers to Keep Government Funding Simple
Lawmakers have been trying to find a path forward this week on keeping the government open. We have seen different iterations of a continuing resolution (CR), but none have been a straightforward, “clean” CR. Instead, they have been filled with government pork and enormous amounts of spending.
Eagle Forum sent a letter early this morning to urge all House Republicans to unite around a three-month “clean” CR. Doing so would continue government operations in order for the new Congress and administration to have the best transition into power next year.
Shortly after sending the letter, an announcement was made to vote on another CR with separate votes on disaster relief and agriculture-related items. We are pleased with that procedural decision and eagerly await the text of the CR.
You can read the letter here:

Dear Representative,
As you work diligently to fashion a bill to continue government funding through the holidays, we want to encourage you to maintain fiscal and political responsibility.
We support yesterday’s defeat of the continuing resolution containing the debt limit extension. While we have faith that the incoming administration will enact policies to decrease inflation, cut wasteful spending, and lower the national debt, we believe the discussion on the debt ceiling must be done in a careful and thorough manner. Dropping it into the CR at the 11th hour is not the way to address the important change.
We realize that the Senate and White House are still controlled by Democrats until January. In order to keep the government open and enable a smooth transition of power, we believe the best course is to keep this bill simple and offer a true “clean” CR.
We urge Members of the House Appropriations Committee and House Leadership to move forward a “clean” CR that expires in March 2025. We then ask that all Members unify to vote in favor of this CR. Additional measures, such as disaster relief, the debt ceiling, additional farm assistance, or pet projects should be voted on separately either now or in January.
We will score in favor of a “clean” CR and add that vote to our Congressional Scorecard.
Kris Ullman

Kris Ullman
President, Eagle Forum
Eagle Forum was founded by Phyllis Schlafly, a dynamic and charismatic leader who inspired countless women and men to participate in the process of self-government and public policy-making so that America will continue to be a land of individual liberty, with respect for the nuclear family, public and private virtue, and private enterprise. For nearly fifty years, Eagle Forum’s network of state organizations has led the charge to mobilize the grassroots to defend the founding principles of the United States.
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