Thank You for a Fantastic 2024
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Thank you for a Successful 2024
It's been a busy, but very productive year at the Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning. Thanks to a generous Centers for Disease Control grant secured by Causewave Community Partners, we were able to bring on a full-time dedicated Program Director, Clare Henrie. But that was just the beginning!
Here are just a few of our most exciting highlights:
* We teamed up with Monroe County to host 5 of their free Renovation, Repair and Painting courses. 40 community members were trained at our offices with the help of our Program Director and Manager, both newly certified renovators!
* Our Program Director was honored to present at this year's CDC Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP) Annual Recipients Meeting in Atlanta.
* More than 60 people came from all over the state to attend our Annual Meeting in September.
* We were out and about in Monroe County, tabling at community baby showers and at Halloween at the Market. Dressed as sunflowers, we handed out hundreds of pieces of candy and lead poisoning prevention materials.
* In June, the Coalition presented to Rochester City Council on the importance of aligning with the EPA's lead dust standards and why the City's lead ordinance should address porches! We are happy that the Council and City continue to put kids and families first by addressing lead in rental properties.
* And of course we continued our day to day work coordinating with local stakeholders to ensure the systems put in place to protect children and families from lead exposure are working!
Our members are the reason for our success, we are so thankful for you!
The Coalition went to Louisville, KY, with other CDC grantees for the Lead-Free Communities Summit, hosted by CDC National Center for Environmental Health ([link removed]) and the National Leadership Academy for the Public's Health ([link removed]) in July.
2025 will be another big year for the Coalition. It's our 25th birthday and the 20th anniversary of the lead ordinance's passage. We have big plans including the release of new educational videos, increased advocacy and new programs! Help us keep up our momentum by making an end-of-the-year gift.
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2024 was also a busy year at the Environmental Protection Agency. In October they finalized a rule which reduces the level of lead in dust that is considered hazardous from 10 micrograms per square foot (µg/ft^2) on floors and 100 µg/ft^2 on window sills to any reportable level as analyzed by a laboratory recognized by EPA.
There are two new phrases for us to all adopt:
-dust-lead reportable levels (previously referred to as the dust-lead hazard standards)
-dust-lead action levels (previously referred to as the dust-lead clearance levels)
The action levels are:
* 10 micrograms per square foot (µg/ft^2) to 5 µg/ft^2 for floors,
* 100 µg/ft^2 to 40 µg/ft^2 for window sills, and
* 400 µg/ft^2 to 100 µg/ft^2 for window troughs.
The rule takes effect on January 13th, 2025 (the compliance timeframe varies). For more information, including a helpful webinar, check out EPAs website ([link removed]) .
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