★ UN Plastics Treaty Talks in Busan (INC-5) End with No Agreement, But Plan for INC-5.2 Negotiators from over 170 countries failed to agree on a global treaty to end plastic pollution at the fifth session of the United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Negotiating
Committee (INC-5), which concluded in Busan, Republic of Korea, on December 1. Read more in this Earth Island Journal article. The process will now continue, and the Treaty, once agreed, will have widespread implications for plastic laws around the world. On December 12, PPC hosted a
discussion about the importance of continuing to advance and track plastic policy at all levels, including with the Global Plastic Laws database and resource center. The panel included Dr. Jamala Djinn, Science/Policy Advisor, Break Free From Plastic; Jennifer Gleason, Law Program Director, Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide; Shane Trimmer, District Director at the U.S. House of Representatives – Office of Rep. Jared Huffman (CA-02); and Joseph Winters, Staff Writer, Grist. The webinar was
moderated by Madison Dennis, Project Manager, Plastic Pollution Coalition. Watch the recording.
★ Coca-Cola Quietly Drops Reuse Targets, Decreases Recycling Goals In early December, top global polluter Coca-Cola announced “voluntary environmental goals,” in which the company dropped its reuse targets and decreased its plastic
recycling goals from previous initiatives. In 2022, Coca-Cola committed to making 25% of its packaging reusable by 2030. Alarmingly, in the new announcement, the reuse goal has completely disappeared. Read more.
★ Plastic Kills… Again! – Past Film Contest Winners Share Their Advice Since winning 2023’s horror short film contest Plastic Kills, filmmakers Adam Wademan and Helen Sun have taken their short films to dozens of festivals and won a myriad of awards. In our new blog, both creators discuss their journeys since winning and offer advice for filmmakers looking to make a killing in our follow-up contest Plastic Kills…
Again! Read More.
★ U.S. EPA’s National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution: A Step Forward, But Not Far Enough The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its final National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution, outlining six voluntary objectives aspiring to end plastic pollution by 2040. We commend the EPA’s acknowledgment of the environmental justice impacts of plastics as a “central consideration” in the strategy, starting with fossil fuel
extraction and petrochemical production. However, this recognition lacks actionable methods to address these injustices, such as setting production reduction targets or suggesting a moratorium on new plastic facilities. Read more.
★ Buy Now! How Big Brands Are Trashing the Planet A new documentary on Netflix—Buy Now! The Shopping Conspiracy—exposes how big brands are trashing the planet. The film explores how targeted advertising,
one-click purchase options, and mass production from some of the world’s largest companies are driving a new era of overconsumption, rapidly leading to a world choked in plastic pollution. In 2018, plastic trash generation was 35.7 million tons in the United States alone. Read more.
★ Provide Water Filters to All Syracuse Residents Affected by Lead Pipes (Your Letters) A letter to the editor by PPC Project Coordinator Rachel Bustamante discusses the urgent need for water filters in Syracuse, New York, where one in four residents are affected by lead pipes. Although the city plans to provide 6,000 filters to its most vulnerable families, thousands of households remain unprotected, facing exposure to contaminated water or relying on toxic
plastic water bottles for drinking and cooking. Read more.
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