Exactly one month from today, on January 20, Donald Trump will again be sworn in as President of the United States.
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It begins exactly one month from today, January 20. Donald Trump will again be sworn in as President of the United States.
But this time is not like before.
Trump has begun filing lawsuits against news outlets that criticize him, and we’re already seeing corporate media fall into line. ABC News, owned by the Disney corporation, settled for $15 million rather than fight the frivolous suit. Others are also bending the knee to avoid Trump’s wrath.
At Common Dreams, we’re not backing down, but we must keep our eyes open to the threat to our independent journalism. We understand the threat everyone faces.
Please support our critical End-of-Year Campaign right now so we can fight for our common dreams in the year ahead. ([link removed])
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With solidarity and gratitude,
Jon Queally
Managing Editor
on behalf of the entire Common Dreams team
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