December 20, 2024
Paul Cicchini 217-785-1719
SPRINGFIELD – The new year means that some new protections will be taking effect in Illinois workplaces starting January 1, 2025.
Workers will be getting a raise as the minimum wage increases by $1 per hour from $14 to $15. The minimum wage for tipped workers will rise to $9 per hour and youth workers (under 18) working fewer than 650 hours per calendar year will see their hourly wage increase to $13 per hour.
Job postings made by employers with 15 or more employees on or after January 1, 2025, will now need to include pay scale and benefit information for the posted position.
Employers in Illinois will also be required to provide pay stubs to employees each pay period, that include information on hours worked, pay rates, overtime pay, and deductions from wages. Employers must keep a copy of an employee’s pay stub for a period of three years from the date of payment, regardless of whether that person remains employed at the business. An employee or former employee may request copies of their paystubs.
“These laws taking effect in January put more money in the pockets of Illinois workers, increase pay transparency, and better inform workers about their hours worked, deductions, and wages,” said Illinois Department of Labor Director Jane Flanagan.
The Illinois Department of Labor has also updated several required workplace posters, including Your Rights Under Illinois Employment Laws, Equal Pay Act Pay Transparency Notice, Victims' Economic Security and Safety Act, Day and Temporary Labor Services Act (for all day and temporary labor service agencies), and the Right to Privacy in the Workplace/E-Verify notice.
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