Hi John,
Introducing The Ripple Effect: A report created by water lovers like you and I, that shines a light on the shocking state of our waterways and outdated legislation.
This year, community campaigners across the UK have been collecting data and fighting tirelessly to expose the truth. Thanks to these citizen scientists, we can reveal that 77% of UK sites monitored failed to meet minimum water quality standards.🤢
Enough is enough. Access to clean water is a right, not a privilidge. We're demanding a reform to the Bathing Water Regulations.
The Ripple Effect outlines 3 key demands for reforming bathing water regulations:
Demand 1: Year-round testing
If you swim outside the bathing season, you're twice as likely to put your health at risk. We're in the water year-round, so we should know what else is. Legislation needs to change.
Demand 2: More than swimmers
We're a nation of swimmers, surfers, paddleboarders, kayakers and anglers. Yet, only swimmers are considered when designating bathing waters. This needs to change to protect all water users.
Demand 3: Test for more pollutants
Bathing waters are only monitored for two types of bacteria, but there are many other pollutants that can harm the health of you and your waterway. Our report reveals that bathing waters are exposed to pharmaceuticals, pesticides and industrial chemicals.
Be a part of the change
The government is consulting on reforming the Bathing Water Regulations in England and Wales. You can have your say on how and when you use your local rivers, beaches and lakes. Submit your reponse by 23rd December using our guidance. And you don't need to be an expert, you just need to love the water.
Thanks for your continued support.
🌊Team SAS
Surfers Against Sewage
Wheal Kitty Workshops, St Agnes, Cornwall, TR5 0RD
Tel: 01872 553 001
Surfers Against Sewage is a national marine conservation and campaigning charity that inspires, unites, and empowers communities to take action to protect oceans, beaches, waves, and wildlife.