Oswego property owners will see a 5% decrease in the Village of Oswego’s property tax rate on their upcoming tax bills.
On November 19, the Village Board approved a tax levy (total amount of property taxes collected) of $1,842,240 or a rate of $0.13222. This represents a 5% decrease in the Village’s tax rate for all properties within the Village. It is the lowest tax rate for the Village of Oswego on record since 2007 when the rate was $0.13370.
The Village receives the second-smallest share of property tax of any taxing district in town. Of your total property tax bill, just 1.59%, or less than $0.02 of every dollar, goes to the Village to provide services. See the dollar bill graphic below to see other taxing bodies percentages on your tax bill.
 For more information, read the press release and view the Village’s financial reporting online.
We've got you covered! Even though there are only six shopping days until Christmas you can still find last minute gifts in downtown Oswego.
Visit downtown Oswego for clothing, scented soaps, candles, home décor, pet treats and toys, fresh flowers, plants and games. For the friend or family member who has everything, purchase gift certificates for dining, coffee, wine, manicures, skin and hair care, massages, photography and music lessons.
Get in the holiday spirit! Avoid online purchases and shop small to support Oswego businesses, now, and every day of the year.
 We heard your suggestions to improve the Village’s system to pay utility bills and the new platform went live earlier this month.
You'll experience more convenient features including:
- Easier navigation and account linking.
- Quick pay. No account registration needed.
- Ability to schedule future payments. Account registration required.
- Email notifications, including automatic notification if your autopay credit card expires or your payment is declined. Account registration required.
Follow this guide to the new system, including the Quick Pay feature. If you need assistance, contact the Village's Utility Billing staff at 630-554-2282.
As the end of the year quickly approaches, we wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday season. Please note that garbage will not be collected on December 25 and January 1. During these two weeks, collection will be delayed by one day.
Village Hall facilities will be closed December 24 and 25 in observance of the Christmas holiday, and January 1 in observance of New Year's Day.
Police and Public Works employees will continue to work on the holidays to ensure our community remains safe and operational.
Groot Industries will collect Christmas trees after the holidays the week of December 30 and January 6 on your normal garbage collection day.
Place your bare tree, free of lights, ornaments, tinsel or any decorations, by the curb. Please do not place your tree in a plastic bag.
Waste stickers are not required for this free collection.
Upcoming dates
December 24 -- Christmas Eve. Village offices closed. Garbage collection unaffected. December 25 -- Christmas Day. Village offices closed. No garbage collection. January 1 -- New Year’s Day. Village offices closed. No garbage collection. December 30 -- Free Christmas tree collection through January 10 January 7 -- Committee of the Whole & Village Board Meetings January 18 -- Community Kauffee with Village President Ryan Kauffman
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