Dear Friend,


One of the things I love about working for Senator Inhofe is that he’s got clear eyes about what’s important.


Let me give you an example.


Just yesterday, a block of progressive House liberals including AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Barbara Lee called for defense spending to be slashed so more money can be used on the coronavirus.


Sen. Inhofe’s reaction? In real time – and I quote – “I would stop that with my dying breath.”


We all want to solve the coronavirus crisis, and we’ve already appropriated over $2 trillion to that effort – an unprecedented sum that is triple our annual defense budget! But right now, we face a crisis that will last beyond the coronavirus – China.


President Trump and Sen. Inhofe are rebuilding our military, but the last three years have been all about making up for the ground we lost under President Obama. Obama cut defense spending by 25% in five short years, leaving us far behind in the development of critical new technologies like hypersonics, cyberwarfare, and artificial intelligence.


The left is coming after Senator Inhofe and President Trump so they can shrink our military, so we're fundraising together to stop them. Will you chip in to help us? Half of your contribution will go to President Trump's re-election.


Pitting defense against health care is exactly the kind of thing progressives will do if they win back the Senate or the White House – they’ll return us to the Obama years of a hollowed out military that puts us all at risk. We don’t have to pit the two against each other – we can do both. And that’s why Inhofe’s job – and this election – are so important.


Grateful for your support,



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