From CUFI Action Fund <>
Subject The Action Update
Date May 20, 2020 8:15 PM
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Support for democracy, the rule of law, and equal rights are not
Republican or Democratic values. They are core Western principles, and
they are among the values that underpin the US-Israel relationship. That
is why this special alliance has enjoyed widespread bipartisan support
for decades. We at the CUFI Action Fund are committed to maintaining
this support for Israel and ensuring that no matter which way the
American political pendulum swings, the United States stands with

Support for Security Assistance

US security assistance to the Jewish state is a perfect example of this
bipartisan support for the US-Israel alliance. In its present iteration,
the House has passed and the Senate will likely soon take up legislation
that codifies the Memorandum of Understanding signed by then President
Barack Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2016. In the last
Congress, this legislation was held up by just one Senator. This time
around, we have every confidence that it will advance through the Senate
- whether by unanimous consent or through a vote - and will be
signed by President Trump. Assuming we are correct, a deal struck by a
Democratic President, advanced by a Democratic controlled House, will
then be engrossed by a Republican controlled Senate, and finally signed
a Republican President. It doesn't get much more bipartisan than that.
None-the-less, we can't take anything for granted. And thus the
importance of this aid bears mentioning.

Importance of Security Assistance

The Israelis have never and will never ask American troops to fight on
their behalf. They contend with the terrorists at their doorstep,
themselves. Moreover, Israel's ability to keep terrorist armies like
Hezbollah at bay, is in the national security interests of the United
States. But the Israelis cannot do this without our support. American
security assistance to Israel is vital to Israel maintaining its
qualitative military edge in the region. Without American support,
Israel would not so consistently defeat its enemies - enemies who
vastly outnumber the Jewish state. From the Iron Dome missile defense
system to Israel's participation in the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
program, US security assistance is pivotal to the Jewish state's
ability to defend itself by itself.

Yes... There are Naysayers

Despite the fact that Israel shares our values, and that our investment
in the Jewish state's security shows us among the best returns
imaginable (and despite the fact that the vast majority of aid to Israel
is spent here in the US), there are still naysayers. Some argue that
enabling Israel to protect itself is somehow anti-Palestinian. They
should ask the Palestinian Authority with whom that entity coordinates
its security efforts (spoiler alert: it's Israel). Others argue we
shouldn't engage in any type of foreign assistance, even to Israel.
But isolationists weren't able to wish away fascism or communism; we
doubt they'll be able to wish away Islamo-fascism (and, radical as
some officials may find the concept, we believe morality should play a
role in foreign policy decisions).

The American people come to their support for Israel in different ways.
Some see a Biblical mandate to stand with God's Chosen People. Others
an historical bond with a stalwart ally that is worth protecting. Still
others, a wise investment in protecting Western values in the Middle
East. And at the CUFI Action Fund we say

**all of the above**.

Over the next few weeks, we'll be reminding our friends in the Senate
of the foundations of the US-Israel relationship, of the importance of
security assistance to the Jewish state, and of the importance of this
issue to the millions of Christian Zionists across the country for whom
we speak.

Sincerely,CUFI Action Fund Team


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