Look, we get why Trump digs her.
She’s right up his alley. She belongs to a crazy cult (or two if you
count MAGA), she licks his boots like they’re an ice cream cone, and
she has absolutely no problem praising dangerous dictators, just like
Trump aspires to be.
To Donnie, she’s the whole package
when it comes to our nation’s most sensitive intel.
To us, Tulsi Gabbard
a security threat.

And look, we know we’ve said this
before, but it absolutely has to be said again: SHE WAS
This is the person Trump’s asking
the Senate to confirm? For Director of National Intelligence? Come on.
We can’t let this happen.
That’s why we need your help
spreading this message. We want constituents to get loud. We want
every last senator to hear an overwhelming outcry against a known
security risk and Putin defender. Help
us make sure everybody sees this ad >>
-The Lincoln Project