News from BPC’s Health Program
The latest on COVID-19, telehealth, food supply, rural hospitals, chronic care, and mental health. For more information on BPC’s Health Program, visit our website or contact us at [email protected].
Thursday, June 4
10:00 – 11:00 a.m. E.T. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, emergency actions have enabled a drastic increase in the use of telehealth, but the changes that made this possible are not permanent. Join BPC, experts on Capitol Hill, and health care providers for a discussion of the current state of telehealth, health IT recommendations from BPC’s recently released rural health report, and ways to make telehealth a regular service for patients after the pandemic, especially in rural areas.
On April 15, BPC released two white papers that address how federal and state policymakers can better integrate and streamline care for those eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. Review our policy ideas and share your comments by June 1, on our website or by email to Eleni Salyers.
BPC’s task force seeks your input as it develops policy recommendations to improve behavioral and primary care integration. Share your comments by May 30, on our website or by email to Morgan Bailie.
On May 12, BPC hosted USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue and other leaders of the nation’s food production and delivery system for a discussion on the causes of the system’s current breakdown during COVID-19 and the solutions to address them. Former Agriculture Secretaries Dan Glickman and Ann M. Veneman, co-chairs of BPC’s SNAP Initiative, moderated.
Watch the Webcast
Episode 21: In this episode, we explore COVID-19's impact on our nation’s community colleges, food supply, and rural hospitals.
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