Check out these comments:
“Thank you Live Action, for changing my stance from mildly pro-choice to abolish abortion. I learned so much from your channel.
This year, I will be walking in the March for Life in the Netherlands.”
“Thank you for these videos, Lila! You argue for life so well. And have been part of the reason why I no longer agree with abortion in any way.”
“This was so powerful and life changing. I have always been pro-life. But not involved other than voting. Now, I want to help in some way in supporting these groups doing this great work.”
We receive comments like these on all our videos and pieces of educational content, but these particular comments are all from our “Face to Face” video series that we launched this year.
These videos have already been viewed 51 million times! But the only way we can change even more minds and see more pivotal responses like the ones above is through your year-end gift to fuel Live Action’s mission, which will be matched dollar-for-dollar through December 31st.
We urgently need your support to reach the tens of millions of individuals whose hearts and minds are waiting to be transformed:
If you haven’t seen any of the “Face to Face” videos – it’s a series where abortion survivors, former abortionists, post-abortive women, and former abortion facility workers all come together to talk about their experiences. The conversations are heart-wrenching, powerfully vulnerable, and deeply healing.
And, as you see from the above comments, these unique conversations are already creating transformational waves.
I’m constantly amazed at how quickly people can completely change their minds after just a few minutes of hearing the truth about abortion.
People are starving for the truth.
That’s why we plan to expand our “Face to Face” series in 2025, bringing together even more stories and topics related to the issue of abortion, including some of the most difficult circumstances the pro-life movement must grapple with.
We’ve found that hearing first-hand experiences can convince people to change their minds from pro-abortion to pro-life like nothing else. By sharing the stories of real people who have been affected by the tragedy of abortion, we take the discussion out of the theoretical and into the real world.
The abortion industry makes promises it cannot keep – but people too often find that out the hard way. These stories act as a powerful means of abortion prevention because they shed light on the dark realities of abortion trauma that no one wants to talk about.
The testimonies also display the incredible hope and healing available to everyone who has been negatively impacted by abortion.
John, will you enable the creation and distribution of these new “Face to Face” videos with your tax-deductible gift right now? Thanks to a generous end-of-year matching grant, a gift of just $25 to help launch these new videos in 2025 will be DOUBLED to $50.
Here’s the secure link you can use to invest in minds changed and future generations of children saved:
We know the deadly pro-abortion mindset has permeated our culture. But we also know that we have the tools to change minds. Your sacrificial generosity is what makes this possible. Thank you for investing in building the foundation for a pro-life future!
For Life,
Josef Lipp
Chief Operating Officer