End Citizens United
GOOD NEWS, Friend!!!
We unlocked the 3OO%-MATCH on ALL donations to help pass the No Kings Act so we can finally END Trump’s presidential immunity.
Chip in $5 (really$15) right now →
Friend, please don’t ignore the facts:
[FACT]: Donald Trump is taking office AGAIN on January 20th.
[FACT]: Donald Trump has 34 felony convictions – but will face ZERO consequences unless we get rid of his presidential immunity.
[FACT]: If we pass the No Kings Act we can finally end Trump s immunity and BAN him from taking office ever again.
But without massive grassroots support, we won’t be able to pass the No Kings Act in time. Please take advantage of our RARE 3OO%-MATCH and rush a donation today – every dollar counts.
3OO%-MATCH $5 NOW >>
3OO%-MATCH $25 NOW >>
3OO%-MATCH $50 NOW >>
3OO%-MATCH $100 NOW >>
The stakes couldn’t be higher, friend.
Passing the No Kings Act needs to be our TOP priority before January 20. This is our LAST CHANCE to BLOCK Trump from office and make sure he pays for his crimes.
That’s why generous donors agreed to 3OO%-MATCH all donations to pass the No Kings Act. Please be a good Democrat and donate WHATEVER you can today ($5 turns into $15!).
Thank you,
End Citizens United
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End Citizens United
Citizens United has damaged our democracy and allowed corporate money to flood our politics. We can't allow this to continue
We know we send a lot of emails. And you might be wondering why: We aren’t a SuperPAC. We’re not funded by corporate PACs. We spend EVERY DIME so efficiently by running proven effective ads to win the most competitive races, push to pass SWEEPING Campaign Finance Reform, and build our movement.
Friend, when we pass the Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United, you'll be able to say you helped make that happen.
We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters like you. If you'd prefer to receive fewer emails, click here. However, if you'd prefer to unsubscribe, click here. If you'd like to donate, please click here.
From the entire End Citizens United team, thanks for your support!
End Citizens United PAC
100 M St. SE Suite 1050
Washington, D.C. 20003
PAID FOR BY END CITIZENS UNITED PAC (ENDCITIZENSUNITED.ORG) AND NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE'S COMMITTEE. CONTRIBUTIONS TO END CITIZENS UNITED ARE NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Contributions to End Citizens United will be used in End Citizens United’s sole discretion and are not being earmarked for use in any particular state or election.