Dear Friends, The prison at Guantanamo Bay should have been closed years ago, but you can help close it now. Congress is currently drafting the FY 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and Members of Congress are considering including language that would affect whether the next President is able to close Guantanamo. You can show your support for closing Guantanamo by emailing your Members of Congress now. Guantanamo is likely the most expensive prison in the world, costing over $13 million a year for each of the 40 men still incarcerated there. After nearly two decades, the broken military commissions system has failed to even begin trials for the suspected 9/11 plotters. President Trump, who as a candidate said he would "load" Guantanamo up with "bad dudes," hasn't sent anyone there because even he can see it's a waste of money that accomplishes nothing. Guantanamo is one of the many sites where the U.S. tortured people, and most of the detainees who are held there have never been accused of any crime, nor given a trial, despite having been held there for the better part of two decades. Write to your Members of Congress today. Don't let Congress and the Administration continue to ignore the people imprisoned without trial for almost two decades in Guantanamo! Sincerely, Matt Hawthorne Policy Director | |