Be Content With Your Life
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A Mirepoix for Dating
Ashleigh Slater
This three-ingredient recipe can revolutionize your romantic relationships.
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Keep Dating Fun
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Episode 881
How to be a fun date, plus sharing Jesus with the cynical and deconstructed, and how do you accept your current situation in life?
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Bry Shirin | Digital Content Specialist
We are getting close to Christmas and I’m so excited about it! This month I have been really touched with the idea that our Savior came as a baby. Have you seen “The Star” on Netflix? If not, you should. It’s a super sweet story following the donkey in the nativity story. It made me cry thinking about what it would be like to be present at our Savior’s birth.
There’s a line from a
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feature article this week that also really impacted me: “God gave His only — the only one He had. Not His excess or His spare; He gave His only.” Do you realize how much God loves you? He sent His only son as a baby to be the Savior of the world — your Savior. I hope you feel His love today and spend some time reflecting on the true reason for this Christmas season.
P.S. There’s still time to send a Christmas card! If you mail us your Christmas card, we will pray for you by name as we enter 2025. You can send it to:
8605 Explorer Dr
Colorado Springs CO 80920
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God Gave His Only
Brenna Kate Simonds
For God so loved the world that …
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Why You Should Read Great Books
Aaron Shamp
Three ways classic works of fiction and non-fiction will change you.
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An Unoffended Heart
Karina Allen
When circumstances don't play out the way we desire, there is a temptation to feel hopeless and believe that God won't come through.
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Rejection Doesn’t Mean You’re Unlovable
Marc Aker
Yes, rejection often hurts and sometimes it can feel like you are unlovable. However, there is good news: you are loved.
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A Guy’s Perspective: How Not to Freak a Girl Out
Nathan Pyle
Pursuing a woman effectively must be a series of small, consistent actions that paint a larger picture of where we, as men, are taking a relationship.
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4 Ways to Ward Off Holiday Loneliness
Suzanne Hadley Gosselin
I can't promise that you won't feel lonely this Christmas, but I can promise that God is there for you and He cares.
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[link removed] Content With Your Life [link removed]
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