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Minnesota Family Council


Dear  John,

Send this to your pastors and ministry leaders! We have important information to share about reopening churches in Minnesota, from Governor Walz's Executive Order 20-58 and from new Minnesota Department of Health guidelines (view here). We also expect more guidance to be released by state officials today. 

That means we'll have plenty to talk about on our upcoming webinar on Friday, May 22. Every church needs to make its own decision in terms of safely reopening, but we can provide the benefit of legal, policy, and pastoral analysis that may be helpful for your church or ministry.

Pastors and church leaders can register now for our webinar Reopening Soon: Guidance for Minnesota Churches on Friday, May 22 at 11 AM. Because of high demand, we're asking that pastors and church leaders please submit questions for our team beforehand by emailing [email protected].

We want to hear from you as we prepare for our webinar:

  • What pressing questions do you have about reopening your doors?
  • Do you have a formal plan for reopening?
  • What help do you need to ensure reopening is safe and orderly?
  • When do you plan to transition to live, in-person services?

We will have pastors with a variety of different perspectives speaking on these questions- and others submitted by pastors - during the webinar session. 

Register for the webinar by clicking the button below - email [email protected] with any questions you'd like us to address in the webinar. As you prayerfully think about the next steps for your church and ministry, don't go without these crucial resources! 


Yours in Christ,


Pastor Jeff Evans

Director, Minnesota Church Ambassador Network (an initiative of Minnesota Family Institute)

Minnesota Family Council/Minnesota Family Institute
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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