Hosted by Spencer Klavan Announcing: Young Heretics Podcast Hosted by Spencer Klavan, Assistant Editor of the Claremont Review of Books and The American Mind Young Heretics is a new podcast about Western cultural life and achievement hosted by Spencer Klavan. Spencer is the assistant editor of the Claremont Review of Books and The American Mind–this is a passion project of his in which he endeavors to offer listeners culture without the culture wars. "The point of Young Heretics is to dispense with the nonsense of identity politics and critical 'Theory' and just enjoy the riches of more than 3,000 years of Western history and culture," said Spencer. "I'm delighted to bring this show and these classic texts to a new audience. And I really hope to get that new audience excited about the Claremont Institute in the process." “Spencer is the best kind of heretic, inveighing against the drab ideology and idiotic dogmatism of post-modernity," said Claremont Institute President Ryan Williams. "Listen to Young Heretics and join the revolution for the noble and the good!” Every week Spencer and guests will release a 30-minute episode dealing with one great work of literature, philosophy, history, or music from the Western tradition. We invite you to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts and leave a five-star review on iTunes–the first episode, on Homer's Iliad, can be downloaded here. About the Podcast: Young Heretics is a podcast about truth, beauty, and the stuff that matters. While the academies of higher learning go ever crazier, Ph.D. in classics and Chief Heretic Spencer Klavan puts aside all the identity politics to get at the heart of what makes Western literature, philosophy, and poetry great. Join him every week as he dives into the heritage of the West and answers your questions about how to bring ancient wisdom into modern life. About___Magazine___Fellowships___CCJ___Events___Donate The mission of the Claremont Institute is to restore the principles of the American Founding to their rightful, preeminent authority in our national life. The Claremont Institute | 1317 W Foothill Blvd #120, Upland, CA 91786 Unsubscribe
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