Yesterday, we warned that a storm was brewing in Washington, D.C.
over the 1,500-page spending bill U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson
(R-LA) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) are trying
to ram through Congress.
Now, President-Elect Trump has come out swinging against this
outrageous squandering of our money - and the whole thing might
fall apart.
The bill cuts no spending anywhere and adds HUNDREDS of BILLIONS
in spending - including a big pay raise for members of Congress
To sweeten the deal for Democrats, they even threw in bizarre
policies to fund government censorship organs and to block public
access to the "January 6 Committee" records.
The massive bill contains hundreds of billions in senseless
spending. Call it the Senseless Spending Scheme.
All of this was done behind closed doors by Speaker Mike Johnson.
They just released the bill on Tuesday, giving lawmakers no time
to read the 1,547-page monstrosity.
The rotten bill provoked a massive backlash among congressional
Republicans. But then, yesterday afternoon, President-Elect
Trump put his 800-pound foot down.
Trump lashed out at the special interest pork and especially the
provisions to prevent accountability for corrupt government
"If Democrats threaten to shut down the government unless we give
them everything they want, then CALL THEIR BLUFF," Trump wrote.
YES! Call your representative at (202) 224-3121 and tell him or
her to OPPOSE the Senseless Spending Scheme!
Voters should be furious and insulted.
"This was a deal negotiated by House Democrats and Republicans
and Senate Republicans and Democrats," House Minority Leader
Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) fumed yesterday.
Yes: we've had brief shutdowns of the federal government. The
result was always the same: we were fine. And the bureaucrats
were always paid for their time off.
The free-spenders in Congress need to hear that enough is enough.
Whether your representative is a Democrat or a Republican, you
need to call him or her and tell them to OPPOSE the corrupt
spending deal.
Call your representative now at (202) 224-3121 and tell them to
vote NO - no bloated bill, no pay increase!
Here's a simple message you can deliver to your representative:
Hello, this is (your name) from (your city). Vote NO on the
garbage pork-laden budget bill that leadership introduced on
Tuesday, and demand a clean spending bill. No bloated budget and
no pay increase for you while Americans are struggling to pay
their bills. Vote NO on the Senseless Spending Scheme.
If enough American patriots provide the political "muscle" to
show how widespread the opposition to this 1,547 page monstrosity
is, you and I can kill it NOW.
Let's notch another victory before the end of the year!
For Liberty,
John McCardell
Executive Director
Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty
P.S. Now that President Trump has spoken out, the Senseless
Spending Scheme is on its last legs. Let's finish it off. Call
your representative at (202) 224-3121 and demand he or she vote
NO! No pork and no Congressional pay increase!
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check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566
or you can call 703-865-7162.
The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the
great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional
foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and
grassroots mobilization.
© Campaign for Liberty, 2012. Paid for by Campaign for Liberty
and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC
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