From U.S. Census Bureau <>
Subject Experimental Trade Data Provide Insight Into Supply-Chain Disruptions
Date December 18, 2024 10:13 PM
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TIPS combines data on imports and exports by product and by industry. Learn more in this America Counts story.

United States Census Bureau [ [link removed] ]

America Counts: Stories Behind the Numbers

Experimental Trade Data Provide Insight Into Supply-Chain Disruptions [ [link removed] ]

Experimental Trade Data Provide Insight Into Supply-Chain Disruptions

When an event disrupts the supply chain, how do we know which industries are most impacted by product shortages?

A new U.S. Census Bureau experimental data product, the Trade by Industry and Product Statistics (TIPS) [ [link removed] ], provides unique information: it combines the types of industries engaged in international trade "and" the types of products they import and export. TIPS data are currently available for 2021 and 2022.

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TIPS accomplishes this by combining product-level International Trade data with industry-level data from the Business Register — the Census Bureau’s database of all businesses across the United States. TIPS expands upon the Profile of U.S. Importing and Exporting Companies which provides statistics about businesses that import and export goods.

So, which industries will be hardest hit by shortages? That’s what stakeholders across the country — in government, private sector and the general public — want to know.

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