Churches Must Know HOW to Gather During COVID-19
John, though churches are beginning to reopen, services are far from normal. Because of government restrictions and CDC recommendations, churches must follow certain guidelines to be legally and safely prepared.
That's why Pacific Justice Institute exists - to equip you and your church to know your rights and give you the guidance and resources you need to defend and exercise those rights, all free of charge. To stand with you, we are hosting a Zoom conference call, TOMORROW, May 21st at 2pm PDT / 5pm EDT where you will learn more about the legal complexities of this unique time for churches, along with the risks and timing factors associated with reopening your church.
The Zoom call is free, but to participate in tomorrow's call, you must register in advance by clicking the "REGISTER" button below.

Once you register, you will receive an email in your inbox with the Zoom meeting link and call-in number. These weekly calls always generate great questions from our participants, so please utilize the Zoom chat feature to ask your questions, and near the end of the call, we will answer as many as possible.
Please feel free to share this invitation with anyone who might benefit from this free call. Here is what Sharon said about our call last week: "Thank you PJI for this helpful info! I am passing this on to my church and hoping we can open ASAP!"
I look forward to serving you, tomorrow. See you soon!
Running the race,
Brad Dacus with the
Pacific Justice Institute Team