Our Vision 
The New York Immigration Coalition envisions a New York that is stronger because all people are welcome, treated fairly, & given the chance to pursue their dreams. 

Since 1987, the NYIC has fought for a fair and prosperous future for all New Yorkers. We know that the inclusive and just policies that benefit immigrant communities ultimately benefit us all—because immigrant rights are human rights

Through powerful coalition-building work, bold advocacy campaigns, and expansive community programming, we fight for the building blocks of thriving communities: guaranteed civil rights, equal opportunity, economic justice, fair access to healthcare, and quality education. 

We’re not interested in short-term fixes. We’re here to create the just, inclusive world we all deserve. Our coalition is creating a lasting movement, dismantling unjust systems, and eradicating hateful narratives. 

This work is fueled by people power, and we need you to join us. Add yourself to the equation with a donation today!

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New York Immigration Coalition
131 W 33rd St Ste 610
New York, NY 10001-2967

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