Then, please forward this email around to everyone you know. As fast as you can! Congress is about to pass another massive spending bill that no one has read. Like it does every year. However, this year language banning an automatic pay raise for Congress is NOT included in the bill. You see, the professional politicians have rigged the system so they automatically receive a pay raise unless they pass legislation not to. And this year, there is no ban on that pay raise in the massive year end spending bill! That's why I need you and everyone you know to sign USTL's petition immediately. Congress should be voting on term limits. That's what an overwhelming majority of America wants. Instead it's trying to sneak through a massive pay hike for itself -- which virtually no American taxpayer wants! Please click here to sign the petition. And then PLEASE forward this email to everyone you know. You want to know the worst part about this pay raise scheme? It's that some congressmembers are claiming they need the pay hike because regular people cannot afford to serve in Congress! Well, if we had term limits instead of career politicians serving for decades, members of Congress could afford to serve a couple of terms making their current salary of $174,000 per year. We have to stop this madness. We need Term Limits and not Pay Raises. Please sign the petition now. And get everyone you know to do the same! Philip Blumel President U.S. Term Limits |