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SPUC supporter,
Welcome back to our video newsletter!
For those who are receiving this for the first time, this newsletter is where we take the opportunity to update you on all that we've been getting up to. It's been a while since the last one so you should find something here that's new to you!
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Brand new show: The Wig & Pen Club!
The Wig & Pen Club provides an opportunity to dive deeper into the issues that are in SPUC's focus. You may have already guessed, but the name is a nod to the origins of SPUC, being founded at the Wig & Pen Club in London in 1966! In this first episode, SPUC's Margaret, Catherine and Louise discuss a range of life issues and the related legal developments.
Click on the link above to watch.
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SPUC's Candlelight Procession - October 2024
It feels like a long time ago now, but on 24th October, hundreds of pro-lifers made their beliefs visible at SPUC's Public Rosary & Candlelight Procession in Glasgow. People of all ages gathered to remember the 10 million lives stolen by abortion in the UK since 1967, and to make clear that this silent holocaust cannot go on.
Click on the link above to watch the highlights.
Now is also a good opportunity to remind you that we also share much of our video content in audio form on Spotify. If you find that you simply don't have the time to watch our longer videos, then you can always treat them as a podcast and listen to them, if you find that you're frequently on the go.
The link below will take you to our Spotify channel where you can catch up with our latest in-studio chats!
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Remember to check out, and subscribe to, our YouTube channel ([link removed]) for everything else that we share. It's updated almost daily!
Keeping up to date with SPUC's pro-life news and commentary means we are better equipped to advocate for unborn babies and press ahead for a world where abortion is unthinkable.
I hope that you have a Happy and Holy Christmas.
With best wishes,
Grace Browne
Communications Manager
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Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC)
Unit B, 3 Whitacre Mews
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Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) . Unit B, 3 Whitacre Mews . Stannary Street . London, SE11 4AB . United Kingdom