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Economic Democracy Weekly

Today’s Economic Democracy Weekly looks at how civic infrastructure can advance economic justice. We begin with a call to organize at the level of local community politics. Next, our series Building Wealth for the Next Generation: The Promise of Baby Bonds concludes with an article by Connecticut’s state Treasurer Erick Russell on building and sustaining a policy framework that makes long-term investments in children—seeding accounts at birth to reduce the racial wealth gap. This is followed by an article examining how advocates within universities are seeking to transform these institutions to serve as the civic infrastructure that, in theory, they are supposed to be. Lastly, from last month’s webinar on liberatory finance, a clip from panelist Jaime Gloshay on changing bank underwriting rules and rematriating finance to benefit Native communities.

What Now? Creating a Civic Infrastructure of 100,000 Local Elected Officials

"The next step is to organize and elect servant leaders to local office in 2026. I offer the aspirational goal of electing 100,000 progressive leaders." Read more... 
The free 2025 Fundraising Calendar
In 2025, generosity bridges every divide. Download your free Fundraising Calendar for monthly inspiration to reimagine your connections and include diverse contributors.
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Building Wealth for All: The Power of Baby Bonds in Connecticut

"Undoing multigenerational poverty requires directly addressing the structural barriers that have created those conditions." Read more... 
Discover How UST helps Nonprofits Save Money
Did you know nonprofits can opt out of paying state unemployment taxes thanks to a 1972 federal law? Discover how UST has been aiding nonprofits nationwide with this exclusive tax alternative for over 40 years.
Download UST’s free infographic today!

Can Universities Build Community? A Conference Explores Possible Paths

At a gathering in New York City, university and other leaders in the “anchor institution” movement discuss how to build trust at the local community level. Read more…
Email Marketing for non-profits
Improve Your Email Marketing, Exceed Your Organization’s Goals. It is the most cost-effective way of driving awareness, donations, or whatever get your bottom-line goal. Watch Marigold’s On-Demand webinar to learn more about it.
Download the free webinar here.

How to Lend in Native Communities: The 5 Rs of Rematriation

“The 5 Rs are revolutionary, regenerative, restorative, rooted, and relational. These were the core values that we thought were important.” Watch the video and read more…
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