I’m extremely proud of being the only working farmer in the U.S. Senate — but I’ll tell ya what, folks, we could use another farm kid around here.

Like me, Theresa Greenfield, grew up working on her family’s farm. While she didn’t lose any fingers in a meat grinding accident, she knows the Midwestern value of hard work and the challenges rural communities face all too well.

That’s why I’m doing whatever it takes to help Theresa defeat her McConnell-aligned opponent and flip Iowa’s U.S. Senate seat. This race is critical if we want to take back our government in November.

If you can spare it, split a donation between Theresa’s campaign and our work now to help us flip the Senate majority for Democrats.

Donate now

Winning this race won’t be easy. Mitch McConnell and national Republicans know this race could decide control of their Senate majority, so they’re dumping over $12 million into Iowa to defeat Theresa!

Even Politico called Theresa’s seat “one of the most important races” this year. Plus the latest poll shows her neck-and-neck with her right-wing opponent. That’s why she needs our help now more than ever.

I’ve seen this incredible grassroots team beat back attacks from super PACs and special interests once before. And I’m counting on ya now.

Will you split a donation between Theresa’s campaign and our work to flip the Senate now? We can’t take control of the chamber without winning here in Iowa.

Donate now

I know Theresa would be a champion for working families in the Senate and I can’t wait to go to work with her every day. But first, we have to win this incredibly competitive race.

