A new message from your friends at People For the American Way.
PFAW Member,
Donald Trump began his day this morning with a series of tweets
threatening to withhold critical funding from states that are taking
efforts protect voters and allow them to safely cast ballots.
Trump at 7:51am ET:
“Breaking: Michigan sends absentee ballots to 7.7 million people ahead of
Primaries and the General Election. This was done illegally and without
authorization by a rogue Secretary of State. I will ask to hold up funding
to Michigan if they want to go down this Voter Fraud path!..”
Trump at 9:11am ET:
“State of Nevada ‘thinks’ that they can send out illegal vote by mail
ballots, creating a great Voter Fraud scenario for the State and the U.S.
They can’t! If they do, ‘I think’ I can hold up funds to the State. Sorry,
but you must not cheat in elections. @RussVought45 @USTreasury”
Of course there is nothing illegal or improper about what these states are
doing – in Michigan, the Secretary of State is merely sending applications
for absentee ballots to all voters! – but the type of corrupt retribution
and extortion that Trump is threatening almost certainly IS illegal.
And it’s clear that his threats are politically motivated and have nothing
to do with so-called ‘voter fraud,’ as pointed out by Michigan Secretary
of State Jocelyn Benson’s response on Twitter highlighting the fact that
her “GOP colleagues in Iowa, Georgia, Nebraska and West Virginia” did the
same thing she did without attracting any angry threats from Trump.
It’s never been clearer: Trump and his Republican enablers want to end
democracy. They want to do it by taking the people’s ability to remove
them from office by taking away the vote.
[ [link removed] ]Your 2020 renewal donation to fight back, protect the vote, and DEFEAT
TRUMP is needed NOW. Please chip in as generously as you can so we can
make voting safe and ensure an END to the Trump assault on our
Trump clearly doesn’t know or care what’s legal and what’s not. His
lawyers are no doubt scrambling to spin his tweets into some sort of
policy they’d be able to defend in court.
While his tweets are vague about exactly what money he’s threatening to
withhold, states are in dire need of pandemic relief funding and are
desperately scrambling to make up for major budget gaps due to the impacts
of coronavirus.
The harm Trump is threatening – out of vindictiveness, spite, and a
driving instinct to avoid accountability via the ballot – is ghoulish.
And it’s eerily reminiscent of the very thing Trump was impeached for –
withholding aid money to force Ukraine to help him politically … now he’s
trying to do the same thing to the states!
This is not a president who gives one ounce of a damn about the American
people, the Constitution, or our democracy.
We’re fighting to stop voter suppression in the states, expand SAFE voting
options – whether vote by mail, absentee, or in-person – and pass vital
congressional funding to secure our elections.
But we’re up against a foe as ruthless and LAWLESS as this country has
ever seen.
[ [link removed] ]This work needs your support NOW. Please, please, please give whatever
you can to stop Trump and save our democracy>>
Thank you for all you do!
-- Ben, Zach, Sarah, Charlie, Kristen, and the whole team at PFAW
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