From New Dems Survey Team <[email protected]>
Subject I stand with you and the House Democrats’ agenda
Date December 17, 2024 7:31 PM
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Donald Trump’s policy plans could make Social Security insolvent in just 6 years.

House Democrats are fighting back to ensure the hard-earned benefits of seniors and everyday Americans are protected.

We’re sending a letter to let them know that we stand with them and we’d like you to add your name! » [[link removed]]

Add your name to the to stand with House Democrats and protect Social Security » [[link removed]]

Dear House Democrats,
Thank you so much for fighting for ALL Americans!
Republicans have been working to drain Social Security for years, but the way that you have continued to defend it makes me proud to call myself a Democrat.
As you fight for the hard-earned benefits of seniors and millions of vulnerable people, you’re giving us real hope.
I need you to know that thousands of Americans across the country stand with you!
That’s why I'm signing this letter and sending a donation of $7 to NewDems now because I stand with you and the House Democrats’ agenda! It’s more important than ever that we stand united to fight for a better future and the preservation of our Democracy. » [[link removed]]
Add your name to the to stand with House Democrats and protect Social Security » [[link removed]]

New Dems

Paid for by the New Democrat Coalition Action Fund
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

910 17th St NW, Ste. 925, Washington, DC 20006

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